摘要: 为解决农村生活污水分布广、差异大、变化多的难题,探究利用新型玄武岩纤维(BF)作为生物载体构建一体化净化槽装置。通过多因素正交试验与处理实际污水评价其效果,并对好氧、缺氧反应池进行微生物菌群分析。结果表明:当净化槽好氧池ρ(DO)为3 mg/L,HRT为8 h,pH为7~7.5时,净化槽对COD、NH4+-N、TN等污染物去除效果最佳,且当好氧池ρ(DO)>2 mg/L时,净化槽对COD负荷、C/N等具有一定的抗冲击性能。使用实际生活污水评价净化槽的运行效果,其COD、NH4+-N、TN去除率分别高达89.60%、87.03%、82.22%,脱氮性能优于传统颗粒填料净化槽。净化槽中Ferruginibacter、Candidatus_Saccharimonas、Terrimonas为优势菌属,能够分解污水中大分子有机物,好氧池与缺氧池中Terrimonas、Acidovorax、Thermomonas等菌属能够在氮循环中起到不同的促进作用。Abstract: To solve the problem of wide distribution,great difference and variation in treating rural domestic sewage,a novel basalt fiber (BF) was explored as a biological carrier to build an integrated Johkasou.The effect was evaluated by multi-factor orthogonal test and actual wastewater treatment.The microbial flora of aerobic and anoxic reaction tanks was analyzed to explain the performance of Johkasou.The results showed that when DO in the aerobic tank was 3 mg/L,HRT was 8 h,pH was 7~7.5,the Johkasou exhibited the best removal effect on COD,NH4+-N,TN and other pollutants,and when DO of the aerobic tank was more than 2 mg/L,the Johkasou possessed a certain impact resistance to COD load and C/N fluctuation.Using actual domestic sewage to evaluate the operation effect of the Johkasou,the removal rates of COD,NH4+-N,and TN were as high as 89.60%,87.03%,and 82.22%,respectively.The denitrification performance was better than that of the traditional granular packing Johkasou. Ferruginibacter,Candidatus_Saccharimonas,and Terrimonas were the dominant bacteria in Johkasou,which could decompose macromolecular organic matters in sewage.Terrimonas,Acidovorax,and Thermomonas could play different roles in promoting nitrogen cycle.
Key words:
- basalt fiber /
- carrier media /
- Johkasou /
- bio-nest /
- dispersed domestic sewage
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