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Volume 38 Issue 5
Aug.  2020
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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202005001
  • Received Date: 2019-12-28
  • In order to solve the problem of long start-up period of the aerobic granular sludge system, the paper reviewed the forming mechanism, the main affecting factors and the methods to promote aerobic granulation. It was found that inducing microbes to secrete more extracellular polymer (EPS) could promote the rapid formation of initial microbial aggregates, and thus decreased the aerobic granulation time by adjusting the parameters of hydraulic shear force, settling time, organic load and starvation stage of the reactors. Therefore, the current measures of rapid granulation was essentially based on the method of inducing the rapidly forming initial microbe aggregates or directly adding aggregates, to realize the shortening of the time for aerobic granulation. Finally, this paper pointed out the problems existing in the rapid cultivation of aerobic granule, and the key to solve the related problems, and the future research focus is to clarify the formation mechanism of aerobic granule sludge, establish the standard of aerobic granulation and the cultivation indexes system.
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