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Volume 39 Issue 5
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Citation: YANG Yang, HE Wen-qing. RESEARCH STATUS AND PROGRESS OF MICROPLASTIC POLLUTION IN FARMLAND SOIL[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2021, 39(5): 156-164,15. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202105022


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202105022
  • Received Date: 2020-07-26
    Available Online: 2022-01-17
  • Micro plastic is a new kind of soil pollutant, which has a serious impact on soil environment and health, and has become a hot research topic. In this paper, the pollution status and distribution characteristics of farmland soil microplastics were systematically analyzed, and the effects of different agricultural production modes on the pollution abundance of soil microplastics and their distribution and migration characteristics in soil were summarized. This paper expounds the pollution sources of different micro plastics and their harm to the soil environment, and points out that plastic film mulching will become an important source of farmland soil micro plastics pollution. Different particle size, concentration and type of micro plastics will have different degrees of impact on farmland soil physical and chemical properties and soil biology. At the same time, the detection and analysis methods and means of soil micro plastics are also compared and analyzed. Future scientific problems and research directions of soil microplastics are prospected from four aspects:traceability, migration and transformation, pollution hazards and analysis methods, so as to provide a comprehensive scientific reference for the research of farmland soil microplastics and control of microplastics pollution.
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