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Volume 39 Issue 7
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Citation: SUN Hao, YU Tong, YIN Hao-shuai, ZHAO Fei, SHI Xue-qing, BI Xue-jun. RESEARCH PROGRESS ON BIOFOULING OF REVERSE OSMOSIS AND ITS MONITORING AND CONTROL[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2021, 39(7): 62-72. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202107007


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202107007
  • Received Date: 2020-07-06
    Available Online: 2022-01-18
  • The relevant studies on microbial community structure and EPS on RO membrane surface were reviewed. Meantime, the research of monitoring techniques and control methods of biofouling of RO membrane were summarized. In general, the relative abundances of Proteobacteria(α-,β-,γ-Proteobacteria), Bacteroidetes and Planctomycetes are higher than other phyla on RO membrane. The genera of Sphingomonas and Pseudomonas which produce more EPS play key roles in biofouling of RO membrane. Polysaccharides are more likely to adhere to the RO membrane. Macromolecular components of EPS have a higher fouling potential. TEP can accelerate the biofouling. The determination of organic and microbial parameters in the influent can reflect fouling potential of influent. The monitoring of membrane modules can reflect biofouling condition in time. Pretreatment and membrane cleaning have been used to alleviate biofouling, while surface modification and biological treatment provide new ways for biofouling control. Based on the research status, the future research perspectives regarding biofouling control are proposed, including enhancing the evaluation indexes system of biofouling potential, and the control of the dominant microbial species and EPS components, paying more attention to the engineering feasibility of anti-fouling membranes.
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