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Volume 39 Issue 11
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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202111006
  • Received Date: 2020-10-16
    Available Online: 2022-01-26
  • Acid mine drainage (AMD), generated during the exploitation and utilization of mineral resources, has seriously impact on the surrounding ecological environment, especially on the water environment. The carbonate rocks from the karst region not only neutralize the acidity of AMD, but also remove the contaminants by oxidation and reduction, dissolution and precipitation, ligand exchange, adsorption and complexation and other mechanisms, as well as the sediments (goethite, schwertmannite, ferrihydrite, etc) from AMD's reaction with carbonate. This paper summarized the reaction mechanism between AMD and carbonate and the physical and chemical behaviors of carbonate dissolution under AMD action, and provided an overview of the types of secondary minerals formed in the process of AMD-carbonate interaction, the formation conditions, the order of formation and the environmental significance. Furthermore, it reviewed the research progress on the treatment methods of AMD by carbonate rocks, which could provide references for further improving continuous effectiveness of carbonate for treating different types of AMD, establishing the life prediction models of reaction system and optimizing the parameters of treatment methods for AMD.
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