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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202204033
  • Received Date: 2021-04-09
    Available Online: 2022-07-06
  • Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (Anammox)-based high performance nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater provides the possibility of energy self-sufficient operation for municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWTPs). Firstly, the process and advantages of Anammox nitrogen removal are reviewed in this article. Then the challenges and solutions of the application of Anammox-based autotrophic nitrogen removal technology in MWTPs are analyzed, including nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) inhibition, anaerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB) enrichment and retention, and the balance control between AnAOB and aerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB). Finally, future research directions of the nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater via Anammox were proposed.
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