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Volume 40 Issue 11
Nov.  2022
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CHANG Tian, WANG Yu, ZHAO Zuotong, WANG Yaqi, GAO Ruili, LI Xiaofei, WANG Yuqin, ZHANG Lixin, CHEN Qingcai. RESEARCH PROGRESS OF MOFs-BASED POROUS MATERIALS IN ADSORPTIVE REMOVAL OF VOCs[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2022, 40(11): 237-250. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202211032
Citation: CHANG Tian, WANG Yu, ZHAO Zuotong, WANG Yaqi, GAO Ruili, LI Xiaofei, WANG Yuqin, ZHANG Lixin, CHEN Qingcai. RESEARCH PROGRESS OF MOFs-BASED POROUS MATERIALS IN ADSORPTIVE REMOVAL OF VOCs[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2022, 40(11): 237-250. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202211032


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202211032
  • Received Date: 2022-01-10
    Available Online: 2023-03-24
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere are harmful to the ecological environment and human health, and need urgent treatment. The adsorption method has become one of the most economical and effective methods for VOCs removal, due to its advantages of simple operation, high efficiency, and low energy consumption. Traditional adsorption materials such as molecular sieve, activated carbon, and diatomite are limited by small adsorption capacity, easy plugging, low selectivity, difficult regeneration, etc. Therefore, it is still a current research hotspot to develop efficient and stable VOCs adsorption materials. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), as a new type of porous material, have shown good performance in VOCs adsorption due to their high specific surface area, abundant pore structures, and adjustable chemical characters. This review focused on the studies of VOCs adsorption using MOFs-based porous materials in the past 10 years. Starting from the structures and characteristics of MOFs, the classification of MOFs and types of their composites were described in detail. Based on the influential factors and adsorption mechanisms in the adsorption process of VOCs on MOFs-based porous materials, the research progress of MOFs-based porous materials in the application of VOCs adsorption was summarized and its future development in this field was looked forward.
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