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Volume 40 Issue 11
Nov.  2022
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Citation: CHEN Xinyu, HOU Bingqian, GENG Ru, ZHOU Xiangtong, WU Zhiren, WEI Jing. A REVIEW OF MEMBRANE BIOFOULING CONTROL IN WATER TREATMENT BASED ON QUORUM SENSING[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2022, 40(11): 251-259. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202211033


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202211033
  • Received Date: 2021-10-19
    Available Online: 2023-03-24
  • Biofouling is a critical challenge in the membrane-based water treatment process. Biofilm formation is regulated by bacterial quorum sensing. Inhibition of quorum sensing is an emerging technology for membrane biofouling control. Mechanism of quorum sensing and research on biofilm formation involving quorum sensing was introduced in this work. By interfering with and blocking the circuits of cell-cell communication, expression of the target quorum-sensing-controlled gene can be prevented, and the specific group behavior of bacteria can be inhibited. Research on biofouling control of water treatment membranes based on quorum sensing and quorum quenching is reviewed. The application of quorum sensing inhibitors in membrane-based water treatment systems, and studies on the immobilization of inhibitors as well as membrane modification are overviewed. An outlook of future research on membrane biofouling control based on quorum sensing tactics is proposed.
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