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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202212035
  • Received Date: 2022-01-21
    Available Online: 2023-03-23
  • Antibiotic contamination and the resulting resistance genes have attracted worldwide attention because of the extensive overuse and abuse of antibiotics, which seriously affects the environment as well as human health. This paper summarizes the latest progress in the removal of antibiotics and resistance genes from wastewater by constructed wetlands. Many studies showed that the removal rate of antibiotics in sewage by constructed wetland is generally 60% to 100%, and the removal rate of antibiotic resistance genes is generally 10% to 100%. The main influence factors of the removal of antibiotics and resistance genes in constructed wetland include seasonal variation, influent quality, hydraulic retention time, temperature, pH, microorganism, plant and substrate. The constructed wetlands incorporate biodegradation, adsorption, plant uptake, hydrolysis, and photodecomposition for antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes. Although constructed wetland can remove antibiotics and resistance genes, the enrichment of antibiotics in the substrate and the increase of the abundance of effluent resistance genes will bring potential risks, which should be paid attention to. Further study should focus on the synergistic removal mechanism of antibiotics, resistance genes and traditional pollutants by constructed wetland, the removal mechanism and contribution of every part of constructed wetlands, as well as the newly constructed wetland treatment technologies coupled with bioelectrochemical systems.
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