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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202301012
  • Received Date: 2022-06-16
    Available Online: 2023-03-23
  • The hydrodynamic process plays an important role in regulating the structure and functioning of the wetland ecosystem. Therefore, obtaining the hydrodynamic parameters accurately and efficiently is of great significance for wetland research and the protection and restoration of the wetland ecosystem. Given the advantage of high flexibility, strong adaptability to weather conditions, simplicity in operation, and ability to acquire data at a low flight height, the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology, has been widely used as an efficient and non-contact way to monitor wetland hydrodynamics in recent years. To provide references for hydrodynamic investigation and its application in future wetland protection management, the present study summarized the recent progress and limitation of UAV technology in wetland hydrodynamic research. Water level, bathymetry (water depth), and velocity (discharge), the three main parameters in the hydrodynamic investigation, were reviewed in this study. For the future requirements of wetland management, we proposed that high standardization and automatic monitoring are the key development direction for future UAV-based hydrodynamic investigation. In addition, to construct the digital twin wetland and enhance intelligent and information-based wetland protection and management, how to improve the detecting efficiency, data transmission efficiency of UAV and combine the UAV-based data with multi-platform data should receive more attention.
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