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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202302016
  • Received Date: 2021-11-26
    Available Online: 2023-05-25
  • Publish Date: 2023-02-01
  • Biochar, modified through acidification, alkalization or organification method, has been widely applied as an adsorbent for heavy metal immobilization. However, there is still a lack of information about the modification methods for improving the adsorption ability of biochar made from different raw materials. In addition, as a soil amendment, the influences and mechanisms of modified biochar in improving soil physico-chemical properties and stabilizing soil Pb and Cd also need further exploration. In this study, rice straw, sawdust and coconut shell were selected as the raw materials for the preparation of biochar. After modification by nitric acid and potassium permanganate, the surface characteristics of modified biochar such as specific surface area, pore structure and surface functional groups were measured. After then, the modified biochar was added into the tested soil (1000 mg/kg Pb, 10 mg/kg Cd) with a mass ratio of 2.5%, 5% and 10% respectively for 6 months of indoor immobilization test. Soil physico-chemical properties, speciation distribution of soil Pb and Cd and the relevant immobilization efficiency were measured at the end of the experiment. The results showed that, after modification, the specific surface area, micropore and oxygen-containing functional groups of different biochar were increased to varying degrees, which effectively enhanced the adsorption ability of biochar, especially for the modified coconut shell biochar. When the dosage of modified biochar was larger than 5%, the soil cation exchange capacity and organic matter content were observed increased by 15.89 g/kg and 5.28 cmol/kg respectively, which improved the fixation of soil nutrients and heavy metals. The modified biochar-soil system mainly promoted the transformation of soil available Pb and Cd to their potential activated and residual forms through ion exchange, complexation reaction and co-precipitation reaction. The degree of transformation was positively correlated with the immobilization time and dosage of modified biochar. Compared with Cd2+, Pb2+ in soil could be preferentially adsorbed and gradually reached adsorption equilibrium within 2 months due to the effect of competitive adsorption. The immobilization effect of modified coconut shell biochar on soil Pb and Cd was optimal with a dosage of 10%, and the highest immobilization rate was found as 59.72% and 36.37% respectively. In addition, continuous increases of soil cation exchange capacity and organic matter content were observed during the experiment, which might be caused by the "ageing effect" of biochar. Influenced by such effect, the bioavailability of Pb and Cd in soil kept decreasing and no secondary release of Pb2+ and Cd2+ were detected. In conclusion, the addition of modified biochar can improve soil structure, enhance soil fertility, and effectively stabilize soil Pb and Cd over a long time, and could be used in remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil.
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