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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202304029
  • Received Date: 2022-06-20
    Available Online: 2023-05-26
  • Publish Date: 2023-04-01
  • Atmospheric pollutants’ short-term prediction is of great significance to formulate effective control measures for the atmospheric environment and reduce the health risk on residents. Hybrid model can make accurate and reliable prediction by mining time-frequency information contained in time series via data decomposition, becoming the development trend of atmospheric pollutants’ short-term prediction. The existing short-term prediction models of atmospheric pollutants were sorted out from the time scale. Meanwhile, the hybrid models based on wavelet decomposition, empirical mode decomposition and variational mode decomposition were reviewed. Subsequently, according to the aims, the prediction structure of the hybrid model was summarized into data de-noising, secondary decomposition, component processing and error modification. The advantages, disadvantages, and application range of each structure were summarized. The results showed that the four hybrid structures were not universally applicable to all situations and should be used selectively according to data characteristics and other conditions. Finally, the issues of existing hybrid prediction models were summarized. It was pointed out that the future research should be carried out from the perspectives of the adaptive hybrid structure, the impact of data characteristics on performance and the balance of multi-performance of the model.
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