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Volume 41 Issue 5
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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202305029
  • Received Date: 2022-06-04
  • In recent years, the sediment organic pollution problems in rivers and lakes are increasingly prominent in China, and there are various organic pollutants in sediment, such as chlorine phenolic, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and polychlorinated biphenyls, etc., posing threat to the ecological environment, human health. Recently, in-situ remediation technology for river and lake sediments emerged as a significant research direction in environmental governance. At present, the remediation technology of organic pollution sediment includes in situ remediation and ectopic remediation, and in situ remediation technology has become the main technical means of treating pollution of the river and lake sediment. In this article, the research progress of active covering technology, bioremediation technology, chemical remediation technology and combined remediation technology in in-situ remediation technology is introduced, and the development and application of in-situ remediation technology are also proposed, hoping to provide guidance for the follow-up research and application of in-situ remediation technology for sediment.
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