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Volume 41 Issue 6
Jun.  2023
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LIAO Ziying, ZHANG Huanjun, HAN Shuguang, PAN Zhengguo, LI Yi. LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF TYPICAL CYANOBACTERIA TREATMENT EQUIPMENT[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2023, 41(6): 143-150. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202306019
Citation: LIAO Ziying, ZHANG Huanjun, HAN Shuguang, PAN Zhengguo, LI Yi. LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF TYPICAL CYANOBACTERIA TREATMENT EQUIPMENT[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2023, 41(6): 143-150. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202306019


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202306019
  • Received Date: 2022-09-22
    Available Online: 2023-09-02
  • The common treatment equipment includes cyanobacteria magnetic capture vessels, pressurized cyanobacterial control vessels, submersible pressure cyanobacteria controllers and combined cyanobacteria water separation devices. The application of equipment may cause impacts on the environment. It is necessary to identify the impacts of typical treatment equipment. Based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) method, this study selected typical cyanobacterial treatment equipment as the evaluation object, analyzed its environmental impacts in the production and operation stages, and screened out the main stages and the main influencing factors leading to environmental load. The results showed that the total environmental loads of the four devices were in an order of submersible pressure cyanobacteria controller
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