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Volume 41 Issue 10
Oct.  2023
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WANG Qinyi, SHENG Yangyue, SONG Ningning, ZHANG Junqi, ZENG Songxi, QIAN Xiaoyong, QIU Kaipei, LIU Qizhen. PROGRESS OF CH4 AND N2O MONITORING IN FULL-SCALE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESS[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2023, 41(10): 51-60. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202310008
Citation: WANG Qinyi, SHENG Yangyue, SONG Ningning, ZHANG Junqi, ZENG Songxi, QIAN Xiaoyong, QIU Kaipei, LIU Qizhen. PROGRESS OF CH4 AND N2O MONITORING IN FULL-SCALE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESS[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2023, 41(10): 51-60. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202310008


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202310008
  • Received Date: 2023-03-16
    Available Online: 2023-12-26
  • As the core infrastructure for urban construction, the wastewater treatment plant is also a considerable contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. However, the inaccurate emission data and the inability to locate the emission sources have hindered the reduction progress of pollution and carbon emissions. To address this problem, the use of monitoring tools to obtain on-site data is needed to correct and support the current emission reduction efforts of greenhouse gases, while helping the wastewater treatment plants achieve a green transformation. A review of the recent full-scale greenhouse gas emission monitoring campaigns was conducted. The monitoring method system was summarized, the existing monitoring data from the perspective of process characteristics was analyzed, and the main influencing factors of greenhouse gas emissions were identified. Meanwhile, a reference for further research and method standardization on greenhouse gas monitoring in wastewater treatment was proposed.
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