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Volume 41 Issue 11
Nov.  2023
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Citation: YAN Lu, CHEN Yun, GUO Yuanhui, HOU Maoxiang, LIU Zuohui. RESEARCH PROGRESS OF SELF-ACTUATED MICRO/NANOROBOTS IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2023, 41(11): 93-103,114. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202311016


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202311016
  • Received Date: 2022-12-22
    Available Online: 2023-12-25
  • In recent years, with the deepening research on micro/nanorobots, more and more researchers have found that self-actuated micro/nano robots have their unique advantages in sewage treatment. Self-actuated micro/nanorobots can effectively adsorb or degrade toxic chemicals in polluted water by using their tunable surface chemistry to generate large quantities of micro/nanobubbles through surface reactions and mixing liquids at microscopic scales. In particular, it has obvious advantages in cleaning sewage treatment in small pipes or cavities that are difficult to reach by traditional methods. This paper reviews the research progress of self-actuated micro/nanorobots in wastewater treatment in recent years. First, the preparation and driven mode of the self-actuated micro/nanorobot was introduced, and the applications of the self-actuated micro/nanorobot on monitoring of water environment and efficient sewage treatment were summarized, mainly including adsorption of heavy metal ions, decomposition of organic pollutants, directional transportation oil droplets and degradation of microplastic; the dependence of self-actuated micro/nanorobots on fuel materials and the limitations of practical environment applications were discussed. Combined with their advantages and disadvantages, the future development direction was further prospected and summarized. In short, with the continuous breakthroughs in relevant key technologies and the continuous research and development of new self-actuated micro-nanorobots, self-actuated micro-nanorobots will play an increasingly important role in environmental protection and other fields.
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