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Volume 41 Issue 12
Dec.  2023
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LIU Yuxuan, GAO Yahong, WANG Zhenbei, HU Qian, QI Fei, SUN Dezhi. REVIEW OF OVERFLOW POLLUTION CONTROL OF URBAN COMBINED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2023, 41(12): 32-47. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202312004
Citation: LIU Yuxuan, GAO Yahong, WANG Zhenbei, HU Qian, QI Fei, SUN Dezhi. REVIEW OF OVERFLOW POLLUTION CONTROL OF URBAN COMBINED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2023, 41(12): 32-47. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202312004


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202312004
  • Received Date: 2023-06-30
    Available Online: 2024-03-08
  • During the rainfall process, pipeline rainwater overflow occurs when the flow rate exceeds its carrying capacity, which pollutes the urban water body, so it is of great significance to study the pollution control of urban combined sewer overflows (CSOs) for the prevention and control of urban water pollution. In this paper, global literature of CSOs pollution are analyzed by bibliographic method. Results showed the characteristics and control measures of CSOs pollution were the main research hotspots. This paper also analyzes the causes, water quality and quantity characteristics, and variation laws of CSOs pollution, and then discusses various measures from two aspects: reducing the frequency of overflow pollution and controlling after overflow pollution. Finally, this paper summarized and prospected the development of CSOs pollution control in China.
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