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Volume 41 Issue 12
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Citation: FU Wenyu, SUN Wenqiang, WANG Lianyong. ADVANCES IN RESOURCE UTILIZATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR COAL GASIFICATION SLAG[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2023, 41(12): 319-328. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202312040


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202312040
  • Received Date: 2022-11-06
    Available Online: 2024-03-08
  • At present, coal gasification slag (CGS) has not been effectively utilized, and it is still mainly piled or landfilled. With the increase in CGS accumulation, the problems of resource waste and environmental pollution become more and more prominent. Therefore, it is urgent to find an efficient and reasonable utilization method for CGS. The formation process of CGS is introduced. The status quo of CGS applied in building materials, soil improvement, adsorption materials, utilization of residual carbon and catalyst carrier are reviewed. Among them, building materials are combed into three parts: cementitious materials, brick wall materials and ceramsite. The review of adsorption materials includes wastewater treatment and CO2 adsorption. Utilization of residual carbon includes blending burning, catalytic graphitization, and electromagnetic wave absorption. Finally, a proposal for comprehensive CGS utilization is put forward. The residual carbon can be used separately from the ash residue. The residual carbon can be used as the raw material of activated carbon and electromagnetic wave absorber. The utilization of ash can be divided into two categories based on the heavy metal content in the leaching solution: if the toxicity exceeds the standard, the ceramic particles can be produced by the non-burning method; if the toxicity does not exceed the standard, they can be used to make zeolite or as an additive for cementitious materials according to their composition.
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