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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202405022
  • Received Date: 2023-06-08
    Available Online: 2024-07-11
  • With the progress of industrialization, human living standards have been greatly improved. With the rapid economic development, a large quantity of fossil fuel combustion of CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere, aggravating global warming. At present, the development of CO2 capture and storage technology (CCS) is an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions from industrial production. Due to the huge carbon sequestration potential of steel slag and the low economic cost, from the perspective of the economy and environment, steel slag carbon sequestration technology will have a bright future. In this paper, the research status and future development of steel slag carbon sequestration technology are reviewed. The composition and resource utilization of steel slag are briefly introduced, and then the reaction mechanism, the existing problems and future development of steel slag carbon sequestration technology are put forward.
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