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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202408008
  • Received Date: 2023-08-23
    Available Online: 2024-12-02
  • Particulate matter is the primary carrier of nitrogen and phosphorus in stormwater runoff, and controlling the particulate matter with large nitrogen and phosphorus content can effectively reduce the total pollution load. Particulate-borne nitrogen and phosphorus are susceptible to transformation influenced by external environmental factors such as pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, organic matter, and so on. This paper firstly summarizes the sources of nitrogen and phosphorus contained in runoff particulate matter, and comparatively analyzes the characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus components in surface, pipeline, and water sediment. It was found that in the three types of sediments, total nitrogen was composed of 88% to 92% organic nitrogen and 8% to 12% inorganic nitrogen, while total phosphorus was composed of 5% to 20% organic phosphorus and 80% to 95% inorganic phosphorus. Furthermore, it summarizes the particle size distribution of particulate matter in different scenarios, along with the variations in the main ranges of nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants on particles of different sizes. Sediments within the particle size range of 11 to 150 μm contribute 20% to 50% of particulate nitrogen and 40% to 50% of particulate phosphorus in stormwater runoff. An analysis was also conducted on the inherent characteristics of particulate matter (particle size, metal composition, surface morphology), other environmental factors (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, organic matter), and the impact of microorganisms on the forms of nitrogen and phosphorus carried by the particulate matter. For example, when water temperature increased from 6.85 ℃ to 29.85 ℃, the adsorption rate of phosphorus by particulate matter increased by 12%. This article summarizes the shortcomings in the relevant studies on nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants in particulate matter, aiming to provide insights for precise control of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in urban runoff.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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