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Volume 42 Issue 9
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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202409020
  • Received Date: 2024-01-17
    Available Online: 2024-12-02
  • Incineration power generation has become the main way for urban solid waste treatment in China. With the increasingly strict emission standards of incineration flue gas pollutants, multi-pollutant removal through series of step-by-step purification has problems such as long process, large landing area, crowded equipment, high investment and operating costs. To solve the above problems, it is necessary to develop the flue gas purification process from single pollutant control to multi-pollutant collaborative control, and the integrated purification of flue gas multi-pollutants has become the new trend. This paper discusses the mechanism, technical characteristics, key influencing factors, and advantages and disadvantages of the multi-pollutant integrated collaborative purification technology for waste incineration flue gas, and its engineering application progress. Finally, suggestions and prospects for future research are put forward, hoping to provide some enlightenment for developing new integrated purification technology and promote the development of flue gas treatment for the small waste incineration power plants in counties.
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