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Volume 40 Issue 7
Sep.  2022
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REN Jun, WANG Yirong, REN Hanru, TONG Yunlong, WANG Tongyu, TAO Ling. STABILIZATION REMEDIATION OF Cd-POLLUTED SOILS USING ATTALPULGITE[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2022, 40(7): 123-131. doi: DOI:10.13205/j.hjgc.202207018
Citation: REN Jun, WANG Yirong, REN Hanru, TONG Yunlong, WANG Tongyu, TAO Ling. STABILIZATION REMEDIATION OF Cd-POLLUTED SOILS USING ATTALPULGITE[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2022, 40(7): 123-131. doi: DOI:10.13205/j.hjgc.202207018


doi: DOI:10.13205/j.hjgc.202207018
  • Received Date: 2021-10-09
    Available Online: 2022-09-02
  • Cadium in soil has the characteristics of difficult degradation,easy migration accumulation,and is easily to cause damage to the soil environment and threatens food security.Five kinds of new stabilization materials were prepared by loading poly-aluminum ferric chloride on attapulgite.Scanning electron microscope (SEM) characterization,stabilization experiment and corn pot experiment were conducted to evaluate the stabilization effect and environmental risk of Cd in contaminated soil.The results showed that the concentrations of diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid extracted Cd (DTPA),and toxic characteristic leached Cd (TCLP) were significantly reduced after the application of attapulgite modified with poly-aluminum ferric chloride.In the soil treated with attapulgite modified with a 25% mass ratio of poly-aluminum ferric chloride,the two bioavailable Cd concentrations decreased by 21.51% and 29.3%,respectively.The application of modified attapulgite promoted the growth of corn,and the treatment effect of modified attapulgite with 25% poly-aluminum ferric chloride was the best.In comparison to the control group,the shoot length of corn increased by 52.2%,and the fresh biomass of shoot and root increased by 75.1% and 64.5% respectively.Meanwhile,the dry biomass of shoot and root increased by 80.5% and 79.7% compared with CK.Furthermore,the content of Cd accumulated in the shoot and root of corn decreased by 43.4% and 24.7%,respectively.Attapulgite modified by poly-aluminum ferric chloride has larger specific surface area,higher ion exchange capacity and surface complexation properties,which greatly reduced the bioavailability of heavy metals in soil,so it could be used in stabilization remediation of Cd contaminated farmland soils.
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