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Volume 40 Issue 7
Sep.  2022
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Citation: XIE Feng, WANG Yungang, YAN Feng, WANG Pengju, XU Jiyun, ZHANG Zuotai. RESEARCH PROGRESS OF DIOXIN INHIBITORS FOR MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE INCINERATION[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2022, 40(7): 222-231,247. doi: DOI:10.13205/j.hjgc.202207031


doi: DOI:10.13205/j.hjgc.202207031
  • Received Date: 2021-08-12
    Available Online: 2022-09-02
  • Dioxins can cause persistent organic pollution and harm to the environment.Since the discovery of dioxins in the flue gas of municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration in the 1980s,many basic and applied researches have been carried out on the control of dioxins emission.Chemical inhibitors,which can inhibit the formation of dioxins during the incineration process,have been the research hotspot in this field.In this paper,the formation mechanism of dioxins and the current control strategies were introduced,and the advantages of using inhibitors were put forward.The types and mechanisms of dioxin inhibitors were reviewed,including the commonly used nitrogen/sulfur-based inhibitors,alkaline inhibitors and compound inhibitors,and the research progress of new phosphorus-based inhibitors was especially described.In this paper,the research results of various inhibitors in the laboratory were summarized,and the ideas for research and development of new inhibitors in the future were put forward.The application effect of inhibitors under actual incineration conditions was summarized;since the actual incineration conditions were complex and variable,the control effect of inhibitors on dioxins was unstable and difficult to reach the performance level of laboratory test.Therefore,the application and promotion of inhibitors in the actual MSW incineration process still need to be further studied and optimized.
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