摘要: 重金属在生产和消费过程中进入环境,形成了复杂、动态、长链条的迁移体系,严重威胁着生态平衡和人体健康。以单一介质和因子为对象的传统防治理论体系,已难以满足当前重金属污染防治需求。因此,同步考虑多环境介质、多污染因子,建立系统性的重金属污染防治理论,成为发展新一代污染防治技术的核心。基于我国当前重金属污染特点和污染防治理论与技术现状,围绕全生命周期理念,提出构建重金属污染物"溯源-辨析-转化-回归"的全链条防治理论体系的思考。首先概括了目前重金属污染防治理论与技术面临的局限,进而点明了重金属污染防治技术创新所面临的五大挑战,最后围绕全生命周期理念的核心环节,探讨了应对上述挑战的可行途径,并对未来的发展方向作出展望。总体上,随着相关理论和方法的不断研究,关键技术的不断突破,重金属污染全生命周期防治模型与理论方法的构建将为我国重金属污染环境质量改善与管理技术创新提供重大理论支撑。Abstract: Heavy metals enter the environment in the process of production and consumption, form a complex, dynamic, and long-chain migration system, which seriously threatens the ecological balance and human health. The traditional prevention and control system with a single medium and factor as the object is difficult to realize the comprehensive innovation of technologies for the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution. Establishing a systematic theory, which synchronously includes the effects of multi-media and multi-factor, has become the core of developing the new generation of technologies. Herein, based on the current characteristics of heavy metal pollution and the theoretical and technological research status of pollution prevention and control in China, a thought of constructing the whole chain of heavy metal pollution prevention and control theory involved "traceability-discrimination-transformation-regression" was proposed centering on the whole life cycle concept. The limitations in the theoretical and technical research of heavy metal pollution control were first generalized. Five major challenges in the development of novel technology for heavy metal pollution prevention and control were subsequently summarized. The feasibility of the research on whole-life cycle prevention and control systems of heavy metal pollution to meet these challenges was discussed. Finally, the future development direction of heavy metal pollution prevention and control was further prospected. In short, with continuous research of relevant theories and methods and continuous breakthrough of key technologies, the construction of the whole-life cycle model and theoretical method for prevention and control of heavy metal pollution will provide significant theoretical support for improving the quality environment with heavy metal pollution and developing novel management technology in China.
Key words:
- heavy metal /
- whole-life cycle /
- remote sensing spectrum /
- big data /
- phase regulation /
- biomineralization
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