摘要: 油滴的上浮运动特性是水体中石油类污染物迁移转化特征研究的重要组成内容之一。对静止水体中单油滴的上浮运动过程进行研究,得到不同粒径油滴的运动轨迹、瞬时速度以及稳定状态下油滴的形状和终端速度,并分别分析了油滴粒径与形变程度、瞬时速度与运动轨迹、终端速度UT与粒径d、阻力系数CD和雷诺数Re之间的关系。研究发现,水体中油滴形状以圆球体和椭球体为主,形变随粒径增大而加剧,但整体形变程度较小;油滴运动轨迹随粒径增大由直线型逐渐向S形变化,且水平振荡幅度逐渐增大,但油滴水平振荡对油滴垂向速度的影响极小可忽略不计;UT随油滴粒径增加逐渐增至峰值,通过峰值后,UT轻微降低,而后趋于平稳;油滴CD随Re增大呈先逐渐降低至稳定后迅速增大的变化趋势。同时,基于实验数据并结合Stokes定律拟合得到1组更为精准的适用于Re<2000时油滴的CD—Re关系式。Abstract: The floating motion characteristics of oil droplets are one of the important components in the study of migration and transformation characteristics of petroleum-based pollutants in water bodies. In this paper, the upward motion of a single oil droplet in a stationary water body was studied, and the trajectories, instantaneous velocities, shapes, and terminal velocities of oil droplets of different particle sizes were obtained, then the relationships between particle size and deformation degree, instantaneous velocity and trajectory, terminal velocity UT and particle size d, drag coefficient CD and Reynolds number Re were analyzed. It was found that the shape of oil droplets in the water body was mainly spherical and ellipsoidal, the deformation increased with the increase of particle size, but the overall deformation degree was low; the trajectory of oil droplets gradually changed from linear to S-shaped with increasing particle size, while the amplitude of horizontal oscillation gradually increased, but the effect of horizontal oscillation of oil droplets on the droplet vertical velocity can be negligible; the UT gradually increased to the peak with the increase of oil droplet size, and after passing the peak, the UT decreased slightly and then tended to be stable; the CD-Re relationship tended to gradually decrease, stabilize and then rapidly increase. Meanwhile, based on the experimental data and combined with Stokes’ law, a set of CD-Re relations for silicone oil droplets at Re<2000 was obtained.
Key words:
- oil droplet /
- deformation /
- drag coefficient CD /
- Reynolds number Re /
- terminal velocity UT
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