摘要: 在分析各行业VOCs研究现状基础上,针对铁路运输行业VOCs排放环节和特征,结合排放标准、治理技术及管控中存在问题,提出全流程管控路径。结果表明:我国铁路运输行业VOCs相关研究起步较晚,其中对环境影响较大的环节是列车维护中清洗、检修、喷补漆阶段。同时,不同作业车间VOCs组分存在一定差异,如喷油泵车间和储油池敞开液面VOCs组分含量顺序为脂肪烃>卤代烃>含氧化合物>芳香烃,喷补漆处理库和浸漆敞开液面组分顺序为卤代烃>含氧化合物>芳香烃>脂肪烃,油料类排放的VOCs组分中脂肪烃浓度最高,漆料类排放的VOCs组分中卤代烃浓度最高。此外,目前铁路运输行业缺乏VOCs排放标准和治理技术的研究,部分作业点存在末端处理设施落后、作业场所不密封及部分管道泄漏等问题,尚未形成合适的VOCs治理技术和管控体系。该研究根据铁路运输行业VOCs产排特性,提出构建全过程精细化管控路径方法,以期为我国铁路运输行业VOCs精准化管控提供参考。Abstract: Based on analyzing the current situation of VOCs research in various industries, in terms of the railway transportation industry VOCs emission links and characteristics, a whole process control measure was proposed by combining VOCs emission standards, governance technologies and problems in management and control. The research showed that VOCs have only been studied in the railway transportation industry in the last five years, with a focus on treatment techniques. There were many VOCs emission links in the railway industry, of which the ones with a greater environmental impact were the cleaning, overhaul and painting phases of train maintenance. Meanwhile, VOCs concentrations in each category vary with different workplaces. The concentrations of VOCs in the injection pump workshop and the open liquid level of the oil storage tank were in the sequence of aliphatic hydrocarbons>halogenated hydrocarbons>oxygenated compounds>aromatic hydrocarbons, and those in the painting treatment warehouse and the open level of dipping paint were in the sequence of halogenated hydrocarbons>oxygenated compounds>aromatic hydrocarbons>aliphatic hydrocarbons. The VOCs emitted from oils had the highest concentrations of aliphatic hydrocarbons, while the VOCs emitted from paints had the highest concentrations of halogenated hydrocarbons. In addition, it was found that there were few standards and governance techniques suitable for the rail industry. In the course of the full railway coverage survey, some operating sites had outdated treatment facilities, unsealed operating sites and some leaking pipes, and suitable VOCs management technology and monitoring systems had not yet been developed. Furthermore, a construction approach was proposed for the refinement of VOCs throughout the whole process of emission reduction and control for the railway transportation industry. The research results can provide an important basis for the precise reduction of VOCs in China’s railway transportation industry.
Key words:
- railway transportation industry /
- VOCs /
- emission characteristics /
- information /
- whole process control
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