摘要: 可持续航空燃料作为航空碳中和的必然战略选择,其应用可显著减少航空业的碳排放。采用文献计量分析方法,结合S形曲线及可视化工具VOSviewer,对2001—2022年Web of Science数据库中可持续航空燃料相关的2440篇研究论文进行定量分析,并根据incoPat全球专利数据库对可持续航空燃料关键技术进行发展态势分析。结果表明:可持续航空燃料相关的研究论文数量从2001年的8篇增加到2022年的388篇,通过构建发文量S形曲线,可直观看到可持续航空燃料在未来近20年内具备巨大的发展潜力。在全球化的可持续航空燃料科技角逐中,中国发文量居全球第2位,仅次于美国,两者共同为国际合作网络核心国家。通过关键词及热点演进,表明"乙醇""微藻""纤维素""加氢脱氧""费托合成""生命周期评估"成为新的研究热点,结合专利分析,表明"加氢脱氧"与"费托合成"技术发展到了较为成熟的阶段。相关文献计量结论为中国立足自身国情发展自身的可持续航空燃料科技与产业提供信息支撑。Abstract: As an inevitable strategic choice for aviation carbon neutrality, the application of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) can significantly reduce the carbon emissions of the aviation industry. Bibliometric analysis combined with the S-curve technique and visualization tools (VOSviewer) were applied, to quantitatively analyze 2440 articles related to SAF research in the Web of Science from 2001 to 2022. The development trend of key technologies for SAF based on the incoPat Global Patent Database was also conducted. Biblio-metric results revealed that the number of articles on SAF had increased from 8 in 2001 to 388 in 2022, and it intuitively showed that SAF technology has great development potential in the next 20 years by constructing the S-curve of the published volume. In the global competition for sustainable aviation fuel technology, China ranks second in terms of publication volume in the world after the United States, both of them are core countries in the international cooperation network. The co-occurrence and evolution path of keywords suggests that "ethanol", "microalgae", "cellulose", "hydrodeoxygenation", "Fischer-Tropsch synthesis" and "life cycle assessment" have become the current research hotspots. Patent data analysis demonstrates that the two key technologies, "hydrodeoxygenation" and "Fischer-Tropsch synthesis", have become a relatively mature. This bibliometric conclusion can provide support for China to develop its own sustainable aviation fuel technology and industry based on its own national situations.
Key words:
- sustainable aviation fuel /
- bibliometric /
- research trend /
- hotspot evolution /
- VOSviewer
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