摘要: 为探究稻壳炭强化污泥蚯蚓堆肥过程中蚯蚓富集重金属的特征,将0、2%、4%、6%和8%稻壳炭添入污泥进行蚯蚓堆肥,通过对污泥、蚯蚓表皮、肠道和整体中重金属的内在关联分析,探索蚯蚓吸收污泥中重金属路径。结果表明:稻壳炭加入蚯蚓-污泥堆肥体系后,可提高堆肥污泥pH值和TK,降低堆肥污泥EC、TOC、TP及重金属有效态含量;稻壳炭的添加增加了蚯蚓整体、表皮和肠道中重金属含量,从而降低了污泥中重金属有效态含量;稻壳炭的添加促进了蚯蚓表皮吸收重金属的趋势,重金属Cr、Cu、Zn分配系数随着稻壳炭添加比例增大而增大,Pb分配系数随着稻壳炭添加比例增高而降低;稻壳炭添加通过改变污泥pH值和EC影响蚯蚓整体吸收重金属能力,通过改变污泥pH值、TOC、TN和TP影响蚯蚓表皮吸收重金属能力,通过改变污泥TN和TP影响蚯蚓肠道吸收重金属能力。研究结果以期为生物炭调控蚯蚓堆肥污泥中重金属,实现污泥的资源化利用提供理论支持。Abstract: To investigate the characteristics of earthworm enrichment of heavy metals in the process of rice husk charcoal composting sludge, 0, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% (mass fraction) rice husk charcoal was added to the sludge to undergo earthworm composting respectively. Through the internal correlation analysis of heavy metals concentrations in sludge, earthworm epidermis, intestine, and whole body, the pathways of earthworm absorption of heavy metals in sludge were explored. The results showed that after adding rice husk charcoal to the earthworm sludge composting system, the pH and TK of the composted sludge increased, while the EC, TOC, TP, and available heavy metals contents of the composted sludge decreased; the addition of rice husk charcoal increased the heavy metal content in the whole bodies, epidermis, and intestines of earthworms, thereby reducing the available heavy metals contents in sludge; the addition of rice husk charcoal promoted the trend of earthworm epidermis absorbing heavy metals. The distribution coefficients of Cr, Cu, and Zn increased with the increase of rice husk charcoal dosage, while the distribution coefficients of Pb decreased with the increase of this dosage; the addition of rice husk charcoal affects the overall heavy metals absorption capacity of earthworms by changing pH and EC of sludge, affected the heavy metals absorption capacity of earthworm epidermis by changing the pH, TOC, TN, and TP of sludge, and affected the heavy metals absorption capacity of earthworm intestines by changing TN and TP of sludge. This study can provide theoretical support for the regulation of heavy metals in earthworm compost sludge by biochar and the resource utilization of sludge.
Key words:
- vermicomposting /
- heavy mental /
- rice husk charcoal /
- sludge /
- biochar
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