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Volume 39 Issue 6
Jan.  2022
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Citation: ZHAO Xiu-yun, ZHAO Xin-yu, YANG Jin-jin, LI Shao-kang, LU Xiang-xin, LI Xiang. RESEARCH PROGRESS ON LIGNIN DEGRADATION MECHANISM AND INFLUENCING FACTORS DURING COMPOSTING[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2021, 39(6): 128-136. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202106019


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202106019
  • Received Date: 2020-08-24
    Available Online: 2022-01-18
  • Lignin in crop stalks is a high-molecular aromatic compound abundant in nature. It has a complex structure and is difficult to degrade by microorganisms. Therefore, the degradation and utilization of lignin in agricultural waste composting technology has attracted much attention. Studies showed that lignin was formed by the polymerization of structural units through C-C bonds and ether bonds, and the structure was stable. Composting experiments proved that fungi dominate the process of microbial degradation of lignin. The secreted laccase, manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase used H2O2 or O2 as the electron acceptors, which could break the bond, demethylate the aromatic hydrocarbon structure. The polyphenols or phenol produced were polymerized with amino acids, and further polycondensed into humus, which was used as a soil improvement substance to return to the field. Under laboratory and natural conditions, most fungi could degrade lignin for a long period of 30~60 days, with a degradation rate of 20%~50%. The degradation process depended on the culture conditions, the medium temperature 35~45℃ and acidic conditions were more conducive to the degradation of lignin. There was an optimal amount of carbon and nitrogen supplementation in the process of microbial metabolism, and trace Mn2+, Cu2+ inducers could be used to increase the activity of lignin degrading enzymes, which provided an important research direction for regulating the degradation of lignin and artificial humification during composting.
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