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Volume 39 Issue 10
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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202110012
  • Received Date: 2021-05-17
    Available Online: 2022-01-26
  • The selection of models is the key to the species-sensitive distribution method. In this study, characteristics and applicability of five distribution models commonly used in the species-sensitive distribution methods were systematically introduced, which were normal distribution, log-normal distribution, logistic distribution, log-logistic distribution and Burr-Ⅲ distribution. The variability among the models was analyzed. This study not only proposed the methods of model screening and goodness-of-fit test in species sensitivity distribution fitting, but also fitted the species sensitivity distribution curves of cadmium using each one of the five models, and further discussed the differences between the models and the basis of selection. Finally, some suggestions for model selection in the fitting of species-sensitivity distribution were presented. This result could provide theoretical references for the application of the species-sensitivity distribution method and the derivation of water quality benchmarks.
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