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Volume 39 Issue 11
Jan.  2022
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Citation: WEI Chao-hai, GUAN Xiang-hong, WEI Geng-rui, LI Ze-min, WEI Tuo, CHEN A-cong. THE NEXUS IMPORTANCE OF AQUEOUS SOLUTION PROPERTIES AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROCESSES[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2021, 39(11): 28-40. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202111003


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202111003
  • Available Online: 2022-01-26
  • The principles of sewage and wastewater generation as well as its influence on the aqueous solution properties of natural water body are established based on the perspectives of natural evolution and human activities. The rapid urbanization process as well as the careless agricultural and industrial management has brought along with increasingly serious surface water pollution, which at the micro-level, disturbs the centrifugal and centripetal migration balance of elements/compounds on the terrestrial surface. As a result, the water interface or hydrosphere becomes the hub for global material circulation. The numerous contradictions in the aquatic material circulation can be well resolved by the remarkable physical, chemical, physicochemical and biochemical functions hidden in water treatment techniques and principles. Therefore, the application of enantiomer technology between the properties of sewage/wastewater solution and the principles of treatment process constitutes a more holonomic and developable water industry. In addition, the proposed concept of aqueous solution properties also apply to the production and management of water supply and pure water. On account of the treatment of refractory and deleterious industrial organic wastewater such as coking wastewater, the common mission should be resource recovery, complementary utilization, and water recycling mechanism on the basis of the front-end process of cleaner production, featuring water treatment techniques with low energy/material consumptions, high removal efficiency of critical pollutants, as well as low carbon emission. Based on the change of the properties of aqueous solution and its process evolution, the technological theory and technical boundary of water pollution control will be widened. The aqueous industry combining water pollution control and water environment protection should strive for the simultaneous development in technology, economics and social purpose, dedicating to the response of green, low-carbon, recycling and other ecological goals, that is, life, production, and ecological of "trinity" coordinated development.
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