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Volume 42 Issue 10
Oct.  2024
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HU Hongying, LU Yun, WEI Dongbin, CHEN Zhuo, WU Yinhu, WU Qianyuan, HUANG Nan, YUAN Baoling, XU Ming, WANG Aijie, LIU Xianwei, QI Weixiao, BAI Yaohui, LIANG Bin, GAO Shuhong, ZHANG Zhiyong, ZOU Rusen. SAFETY GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES FOR ECOLOGICAL USES OF RECLAIMED WATER[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2024, 42(10): 1-10. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202410001
Citation: HU Hongying, LU Yun, WEI Dongbin, CHEN Zhuo, WU Yinhu, WU Qianyuan, HUANG Nan, YUAN Baoling, XU Ming, WANG Aijie, LIU Xianwei, QI Weixiao, BAI Yaohui, LIANG Bin, GAO Shuhong, ZHANG Zhiyong, ZOU Rusen. SAFETY GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES FOR ECOLOGICAL USES OF RECLAIMED WATER[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING , 2024, 42(10): 1-10. doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202410001


doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202410001
  • Received Date: 2024-09-04
    Available Online: 2024-11-30
  • The ecological utilization of reclaimed water can alleviate water resource shortages and improve urban ecological environments. However, there are currently several key issues waiting for answers or solutions, including potential ecological effects of reclaimed water, a complete water quality indicator system and threshold-determining methods, an optimization of advanced treatment processes and ecological buffer zone construction, and an integrated evaluation system combining economic costs, energy conservation, carbon reduction, and environmental benefits. Therefore, it is an urgent need to establish effective technologies and methods for rapid assessment of water quality for ecological safety, clarify the ecological effects of reclaimed water, improve the indicator system for reclaimed water quality standards, develop methods for determining safety thresholds under different environmental characteristics, green technologies for the removal of key risk factors such as new pollutants and pathogenic microorganisms, clarify the water quality purification mechanisms, construction principles, and methods of the ecological buffer zones, and create comprehensive evaluation methods for the environmental benefits of reclaimed water ecological utilization as well as optimization methods for reclaimed water ecological utilization strategies.
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