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Volume 42 Issue 11
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doi: 10.13205/j.hjgc.202411001
  • Received Date: 2024-07-14
    Available Online: 2025-01-16
  • The non-CO2 greenhouse gases emitted from municipal drainage networks are the core components of the direct carbon emissions from municipal drainage systems. Reducing non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions from municipal drainage networks will contribute to green development and low-carbon transformation of municipal drainage systems in the context of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. The current status of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions, generating mechanisms, and emission control measures are critical for lowering non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions in drainage networks. Based on the recent advances in non-CO2 greenhouse gases emissions and control in drainage networks, the non-CO2 greenhouse gases generation and emission data are analyzed, the micro-mechanism and key influencing factors of non-CO2 greenhouse gases production in drainage networks are clarified, and the prediction methods and mathematical models of non-CO2 greenhouse gases emissions are also summarized. In addition, the existing non-CO2 greenhouse gases control methods in drainage networks are discussed. Finally, a conclusion on its future research direction is proposed.
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